Word (Classification/Analogy)

In classification of words similar groups are found among the names, places, things, nouns, verbs, different sexes, race or any other matter pertaining to verbal classification.
Example: Find the odd man out.
  1. Man 2. Wife 3. Husband 4. Sister 5. Brother
Ans. (1)
In alphabetical classification, a jumble of alphabet form a set or group and we have to find or that which does not belong to the same group.
  1. EVIL 2. LIAR 3. PERT 4. TRAP 5. PINS
Ans. These jumbled alphabet when spell backwards give meaningful words like live, rail, part and snip. The exception is (3) PERT which when spelt backwards does not give meaningfully word.
In the dictionary classification the words are given in a sequence in which they occur in the dictionary. The correct alternative in each case is marked.
Example: Choose the correct sequence.
A. False B. Fallow      C. Fanciful   D. Fallible    E. Falcon
  1. A,B,C,D,E 2. B,C,D,A,E 3. E,D,A,C,B 4. E,D,B,A,C
Ans. (4)
  1. Cause and effect relationship
Example: GERM: DISEASE::
  1. Carelessness: Accident 2. Brake: Car
  2. Insect: Grasshopper 4. Dog: Bark
Ans. (1) -> Germ is the cause of disease, similarly carelessness is the cause of accident
Product and Product Relationship
  1. Producer: Distributor 2. Consumer: Goods
  2. Civil Engineer: Dam 4. Demand: Supply.
Ans. (3) -> A building is the creation of an architect. Similarly a dam is the product of a civil engineer.
  1. Word and Tool Relationship
Example:     Carpenter : Saw
Writer :  Pen
Tool and Object Relationship
Example:     Pencil : Paper
Saw :  Wood
Action to Object and Object to Action Relationship
Example:     Car : (Stops)
Saw : Wood (Cuts)
Class-Species Relation
Example:     Mammal :  Whale
Reptile : Snake
Sex Relationship
Example:     Bull  : Cow
Boy : Girl
Type and Characteristics Relationship
Example:     Cow : Herbivorous
Tiger : Carnivorous
Crow : Omnivorous
Association Relationship
Example: Alchemist :      Gold
Ink             :       Writing
Devil            :       Wrong
Time Sequence Relationship
Example:     Early :        Late
Sunday        :        Monday
Degree of Intensity Relationship
Example:     Joy     :        Ecstasy
Warm          :        Hot
Grammatical Relationship
Example:     I        :        Mine (1st Person, nominative case, 1st person possessive case)
Fox    :        Vulpine (Noun: Adjective)
Have  :        Had (Present Tense: Past Tense)
Synonyms Relationship’
Example:     Kind  :        Benevolent
Muddy         :        Unclear
Antonyms Relationship
Example:     Slavery       :        Freedom
Never :        Always
Part to whole Relationship
Example:     Soldier         :        Regiment
Star   :        Constellation
Symbol Relationship
Example:     Flag  :        Nation
Insignia  :    Rank


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